What is This Thing Called Love?

David Price
4 min readJul 3, 2021


From Tine Lagarrigue



The scene was a humanity seemingly at crisis point, on the verge of destruction and collapse. While I could not see the exact details, it was a powerful felt-sense of a world falling apart and the world is splitting.

It’s splitting inside of us, in our own state of consciousness. And it’s splitting outside of us, in the world we see and experience. It’s a bifurcation point, a point of maximum pressure on the system that creates a fork in the road. One road is the timeline of fear when we turn away from our true sovereignty (in mind and body) and give allegiance to mass hysteria and hypnosis — this is where our life-force gets siphoned off and we succumb to mass control, we become unconscious automatons. The other road is the timeline of new possibilities when we have the courage to stay anchored in the truth of our innermost sanctity — this is where we rise as love in the face of all that is seemingly falling apart and we have the power to create a new world.

This love is a whole new dimension of consciousness, without blame and without reaction. This love is right action that moves from the absolute authority of an undivided state. This love is already shimmering in you. It’s waiting for your permission to reveal itself. It’s waiting for you to end the war within and take responsibility for your state of consciousness….

Don’t wait for the world to be perfect, don’t wait for someone to fix it, to make all the nasty things go away, to make it normal again. The time is now — it’s up to you. And me.

The time to wake up is now.

~ Amoda Maa

Love is a million things, from personal to universal to the instinct for beauty and creativity. Those who create out of love heal the world. In this time of crisis, we hope to see love come on the scene with greater force than usual. The tendency for the human race to fall victim to its own illusions is recorded in the history books. It’s not a comforting story.

This time has to be different or we’ll leave the planet to the microbes and cockroaches. The crisis looks to be political and social but I think it’s first of all a crisis of consciousness. I don’t think we’ll have equity and justice for humanity, much less a thriving natural world, without a mutation of consciousness in the human race.

That mutation is a transformation in our sense of connectedness and empathy for all life, all existence. Mere indifference is bad enough, but humans have a unique capacity for intentional cruelty that other animals don’t have. Combined with a refusal to look within we become dangerous. We spread chaos and misery around us instead of caring and peace.

According to some people the tipping point is fast approaching when we choose which way we will go. What is needed is an aggregate weight of humanity on the side of Love. Here’s an optimistic quote:

“Many researchers have found substantial — indeed, compelling — data suggesting that humanity is today on the verge of another transformation, the most significant and far-reaching in all of history.”

— Ken Wilber

Of course I hope Ken is right. I’m especially encouraged by people who fashion some kind of beauty because you can’t create beauty out of rage, hate or indifference. You have to follow a spirit of love and delight. You have to be alive to the interplay between the inner and outer worlds and have the discipline to work with them simultaneously.

Beauty is to be found everywhere if our senses are open. That’s the work of the artist, but it seems to me that the proper work of humanity is to love the matrix of life in all its details, just like an artist does with the observed world. I think the world needs more artists of life, to coin a phrase.

If the human race is finally going to find out how to live with love I’d like to be around to see it, but just imagining it’s happening is comforting.

Françoise De Felice



David Price
David Price

Written by David Price

I write about creativity, loving, language learning and psycho/spirituality. I’m a longtime painter and reader.

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