Member-only story
We Need Art
Without the metaphor, the mind may be fed, but the imagination and heart go hungry. Without the pondering in the soul, the banquet table in dreams may be laden, but the food is not assimilated and so the soul starves….
… There is a moment of YES! or OH NO! when the truth resonates through body, soul and mind, sometimes a painful truth, but nevertheless a truth that leads toward freedom. The raw honesty of an image from the unconscious can strike us dumb with tears or laughter, often with both, because the image moves on that fine edge of the absurd between tragedy and comedy… The ego that is relating to the soul (right brain thinking, if you like) is motivated to reflect the dream images in painting, dancing, singing, sculpting, writing, thus allowing the healing process to transform what would otherwise be dead images into life energy.
Transformation takes place through metaphor. Without metaphor, energy is locked in repetitive patterns , Medusa traps energy in stone. In the creative matrix, the symbol flows between spirit and matter, healing the split.
In children, the split has not yet taken place, thus for them the world is still magical. Their imaginations light up their bodies. They play. With total concentration, they play. Uncanny wisdom slips out of their mouths, but it is not conscious. In the growing up process in our culture, rational thinking supersedes…