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“Now we know thanks to modern science that we can only see a few hundred nanometers on the electromagnetic spectrum. We can’t hear ultra low-frequency sounds. We have machines confirming hard evidence of what the wisdom traditions have been getting across for millennia: that this plane of existence is not quite what it seems.
The ancient Hindus gave us this understanding in the Vedas, some of the oldest texts in our civilization. Rishis (seers) aligning with a higher consciousness at the top of the Himalayas called this world maya (illusion), explaining that this world is finite, and since only the Divine is Infinite, it is therefore the Only True Reality…”
— Bob Peck, filmmaker-writer-mystic
“In the midst of radical change, it becomes more important to have a sense of one’s own inner way of imagining life in the world. When we don’t have that, we can be subject not just to overwhelm, but also to delusion. Maybe one more proverb, to finish the notion: “Hatred is a failure of imagination.” That’s from Graham Greene, the writer. When we see hatred on the rise, the increase of hate speech and hate crimes, one way to understand what’s happening is a failure of imagination in which some people cannot imagine the value of others not like themselves.”
— Michael Meade