Two Worlds

David Price
4 min readMar 26, 2021
From Nancy Selwyn Ramsey

However the tea is prepared, the primary ingredient is always water. While we can live without tea, we can’t live without water. Likewise, we are born free of religion, but we are not born free of the need for compassion.

I’m not talking about God, Allah or Buddha, but about developing a better society, which all revolves around education. We need to think of belonging to one human family. If we can do that, there is a chance that by the end of the 21st century we can create a happier, more peaceful society. This depends on what we do, not on who we pray to. We need to work hard with self-confidence. The 7 billion human beings alive today are our brothers and sisters; therefore we need cooperation based on trust and self-confidence to create an open, compassionate, harmonious society. Here in Ladakh you have long been living in harmony, you must work hard to keep it up.

~HH 14th Dalai Lama


“My grandfather asked me not to be disappointed.
Whoever is disillusioned dies inside.
He said: it is urgent to live enchanted.”

— Valter Hugo Mãe

We live in a time of conflict and upheaval. People are both frightened and complacent. Regimes around the world are flirting with authoritarianism. Fascism is on the rise, even in America, especially in America…



David Price

I write about creativity, loving, language learning and psycho/spirituality. I’m a longtime painter and reader.