The Strength to Change

David Price
5 min readJul 4, 2024

Spirit is the omniscient watcher. It has no end or beginning. It is eternal, deathless and unchanging. It has no qualities. In essence, it is pure unconditional love, the core state.

Soul resists accepting spiritual truth because it fears emptiness or losing identity. As you shift from seeing the world through conditioned filters of the mind, concepts fall away. Consciousness (or emptiness) is always looking through “you.” Being authentic is seeing things and people as they are: a divine reflection.

— Liara Covert


Holy rage inspires us to action; it mobilizes us to act on behalf of ourselves and others. It can be a genuine act of service to changing and improving the world…Holding both rage and holiness enables us to make choices on how we bring both into the world.

— Dr. Lynne Sedgmore


…In her enlightening book “Braiding Sweetgrass,” author Robin Wall Kimmerer delves into the indigenous perspective on plants, shedding light on their crucial role as caretakers of humans. This indigenous worldview emphasizes a profound reverence and gratitude towards the botanical world, encapsulated in the notion of certain plants being referred to in Native languages as “those who take care of us.”



David Price

I write about creativity, loving, language learning and psycho/spirituality. I’m a longtime painter and reader.