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The Pain Body
I am very much aware of my own double self. The well known one is very much under control; everything is planned and under control. The unknown one an be very unpleasant. I think this side is responsible for all the creative work…he is in touch with the child.
— Igmar Bergman
In the startling dreams of terror , of ugly images , and cruelties, we often forget that the unconscious shows the face which we show it . is like a mirror . If I flee , it purses. If I am high up , it is an abyss below . If I am too noble , it sends me nasty dreams . And if I turn my back , it attracts and tempts me to turn and look with seductive images . The gulf between consciousness and the unconscious narrows as we are able to feel for it and give to it , as we are able to live with it as a friend.
- James Hillman ( Insearch : psychology and religion ) .
In Eckhart Tolle’s bestselling book ‘A New Earth’ he introduced the concept of the pain-body to describe the “energy field of old but still very-much-alive emotion that lives in almost every human being.” This pain-body is also what challenges us in our ability to live more conscious and awakened lives.
— Christine Wehmeier