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The Limits of Human Consciousness
But if by some miracle, and all our struggle, the Earth is spared, only justice to every living thing (and everything alive) will save humankind…
Only justice can stop a curse.
~ Alice Walker
I love the earth,” Lorca said. “All my emotions tie me to it. My most distant childhood memories have the taste of earth” (OC 2.1058). This love of earth was, he tells us, responsible for his first artistic experience. While following a new plow all over the fields as a little boy, he saw the shiny steel blade pull up a Roman mosaic!
Lorca jokingly identified and named this deep emotional attachment to the earth, his “agrarian complex” (OC 2.1059). Remembering Jung, archetypal psychology says that within every complex there is an archetypal core and, further, that within every archetypal core there is a God. Remembering also Diotima’s teaching to Socrates (Plato, Symposium, 203b) that the daimon is a mediating being joining the Gods and men, we ask: what is the mediating being between Lorca’s agrarian complex and the God Dionysos?…
What is it then which connects Lorca’s “almost pagan cult of the earth” and his “acute sense of human tragedy” with his “refined, graceful, feeling for expression”? Does Lorca also identify this daimon?…