The Key to Wonders

David Price
5 min read5 days ago
Andrea Kowch

My seven-year-old asked for a dictionary this week. We went to the bookshop today to buy one. She walked home hugging it, pausing every so often to look up a word, grinning as though she had been given a book of spells, the key to wonders.

~ Ann Morg


…things are joined by invisible ties: you can’t seize a flower without upsetting a star.

~ Galileo galilei


Whenever I touch a flower, I touch the sun and yet I don’t get burned. When I touch the flower, I touch a cloud without flying to the sky. When I touch the flower, I touch my consciousness, your consciousness, and the great planet Earth at the same time.

The miracle is possible because of insight into the nature of interbeing. If you really touch one flower deeply, you touch the whole cosmos. The cosmos is neither one nor many. When you touch one, you touch many, and when you touch many, you touch one..

~ Thich Nhat Hanh


Quantum physicist David Bohm, in his book “The Implicate Order,” proposes that there is so much going on in Creation (my term, not his), that the human being cannot perceive.

He implies that we have biological filters that protect us from overload from all of the energies and



David Price

I write about creativity, loving, language learning and psycho/spirituality. I’m a longtime painter and reader.