Member-only story
The Fire of Creation
In certain Gnostic texts fire is also called the great judge because it judges, so to speak, what is worthy of survival and what should be destroyed.
Without the fire of emotion no development takes place and no higher consciousness can be reached, which is why God says: ‘Because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth’
So the fire, even if it is a destructive sort of fire — conflicts, hatred, jealousy, or any other affect — speeds up the maturing process and really is a ‘judge’ and clarifies things.
People who have fire run into trouble, but at least they try something, they fall into despair.
The more fire there is, the more there is danger of the destructive effects of emotional outbursts, of all sorts of mischief and deviltry, but at the same time this is what keeps the process going. If the fire is extinct, everything is lost.
That is why the alchemists always said one must never let one’s fire go out. The lazy worker who lets his fire go out is just lost.
Have you ever, in a state of affect, done horrible, irremediable things? Haven’t you ever written a letter that you would give anything not to have written? Or said something because of which you could bite out your tongue?