The Calling That Keeps Calling
If one does not become the eccentric,unique, one-of-a-kind person he or she was meant to be, then a violation of some large purpose of the cosmos has occurred.
Individuation is not self absorption, narcissism or self-interest…individuation is a humbling task to serve what our deepest nature asks of us. For some it will be a path which brings public recognition, for others suffering and public calumny, for others still, private epiphanies never seen by anyone else. Any relation which prevents or inhibits such a vocation is harmful and regressive.
~ James Hollis
We can’t always see the destiny of our own children, but we can see the beauty of their self. And part of the job of the parent is to bless with their attention that inner beauty and deep soul that is the nature of the child.
What calls us calls for the giving of the inherent gifts and natural talents we brought to life to begin with. What calls to us calls to the dream set within our soul before we were born. Answering the call opens pathways of genius and imagination that can lead to finding one’s “dharma” or natural way of being in life and serving in the world.