Member-only story
Reality Wakes Up
…I experienced the evolution of our species as the systematic growth of a single organism, a unified and unifying Being that all of us were part of. The subtlety of the co-operation of the parts with the whole was extraordinary. Nothing in our theological or philosophical systems does justice to the facts….
What I “saw” was that the unified field was moving decisively and precipitously to become more aware of itself in spacetime. Whereas previously it had existed as an extended fabric of being, largely unconscious of itself at the physical level, it was now waking itself up. Visually this took the form of energy coming together in swift, contracted spasms that created bright flashes of awareness…Now…the flashes were beginning to hold their own…
… it seemed to be the case that our current generation had been deliberately karmically configured to precipitate an intense cycle of collective purification. The poisons of humanity’s collective past were being brought to the surface in us, and in transforming these poisons in our individual lives, we were making it possible for divine awareness to enter more deeply into future generations. We had volunteered for this role for both our personal benefit and the collective good….
Christopher Bache, Diamonds from Heaven