Member-only story
Navigating The Self
The soul’s journey.
“…. we are always connected to our ancestors; our bodies hold the memories of those who came before us, whether it is the features we inherit or a disposition that is etched into our soul.”
— Alyson Richman
“No one can build you the bridge on which you, and only you, must cross the river of life,” wrote the thirty-year-old Nietzsche. “The true and durable path into and through experience,” Nobel-winning poet Seamus Heaney counseled the young more than a century later in his magnificent commencement address, “involves being true … to your own solitude, true to your own secret knowledge.”
— Brainpickings
Thinking a lot about the peripheral consciousness I grew up with and how it has impacted my choices. You know, that feeling that you are not cool enough, not part of the world, on the outside looking in. The irony of it is that everytime I cracked the line-up and joined the centre, I was disappointed by it, like it was just a hype show, like I had been sold a karmic bill of goods. My unhealthy ego was momentarily gratified, but my soul felt lonely. I miss the feeling of being on the outside looking in. Feels a lot more real out there, way out there..
— Jeff Brown