Longing For Beauty

David Price
4 min readJun 10, 2021
Olga Suvorova

This is now the time the great reveal has come upon us and what was all hidden will now be found. For the great awakening of souls had to happen first so we could look upon all life as sacred, now we no longer have loyalty to just a skin color, creed or nationality but we have loyalty to the spirit within all life and Mother Earth. For as more things will be revealed to us about injustices, inequality and atrocities it will not matter who committed them, but we will want justice for the victims. This great awakening of souls has showed us it is no longer a battle of skin color or creed, but a battle of morality against immorality. We are the ones the Ancestors talked about, standing under the great tree of life and uniting all colors of the medicine wheel in a stand against inequality and to have a freedom of expression for all people. Many things will now be revealed to us in the future about hungry wolves who wore sheep clothing and the manipulation of the truth, for all this must come to pass before great healing can come to Mother Earth and all life that lives upon her skin.

— Ekosi. 🌎🦅💕


“Surrender becomes easier when you realize the fleeting nature of all experiences.”

- Eckhart Tolle


“If you’re really listening, if you’re awake to the poignant beauty of the world, your heart breaks regularly. In fact, your heart is made to break; its purpose is to burst open again and again so that it can hold evermore wonders”.

— Andrew Harvey

I don’t know about you but I need beauty like I need food. I’m one of those strange people who wilt and shrink without it. I think we are deprived of it in this modern world and our soul is secretly weeping from its absence. Marsilio Ficino, a Renaissance philosopher, recommended it as a therapeutic measure for depression and world weariness.

Our societies have shunted it off to a little corner called art, but a true civilization would have it everywhere. I’m married to a woman who creates beauty in everything she does. She has hyper-acute senses that demand nothing less than striking beauty in every detail of daily life. That suits me to a T.

Watching her work with whatever was on hand when we were reviving an old house in…



David Price

I write about creativity, loving, language learning and psycho/spirituality. I’m a longtime painter and reader.