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Inner Politics
Sub-personalities don’t stay locked in themselves, but they constantly act on each other, they ally, they fight among themselves, it’s a constant interaction. To admit the multiple soul does not mean to affirm the existence of static parts, one side by side. They act and react continuously to each other. It is the drama of human life, where the desire to earn, for example, fights laziness, sexual desire with fear of disease, in a constant state of sub-personality. Just think about how we will spend the evening and there are four or five parties that come together to impose their point of view and maybe they ally against a third party. That’s why we need the security guard, the director who dominates them.
— Robert Assagioli, Action and inner life
I would agree, the existence of one god is a symbol, which can be powerfully moving for our Psyche. In fact, this one god is the most powerful symbol for the infant in us, the one who, in his helplessness, cries for a Great Parent in Heaven. To become a symbol of the Self, this god image must undertake a thorough metamorphosis. This is the evolution of the godhead through human history. As for the “lower ego”, I must add that the human ego is the stable where this higher Consciousness is born as Jung said. So psychologically, the ego is more and the one god is less than most people believe.