Guests Made of Stardust

David Price
5 min readJul 22, 2024
William de Leftwich Dodge — Guinevere, (1910)

What destroys a man faster than to work, to think and feel without inner need, without any deep personal desire, without pleasure, as mere automaton of duty?

~ Friedrich Nietzsche


We are spirits made

from ancient stardust

manifested in human

form all here as guests

on this sublime living

home that we call Earth…

~ Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi, fragment of ‘Formlessness’


No one imagines that a symphony is supposed to improve as it goes along, or that the whole object of playing is to reach the finale. The point of music is discovered in every moment of playing and listening to it. It is the same, I feel, with the greater part of our lives, and if we are duly absorbed in improving them we may forget altogether to live them.

~ Alan Watts


I will dare to tell you that I don’t think so much about old age. I never thought age was a criteria. I didn’t feel particularly young fifty years ago (when I was twenty, I really liked the company of older people), and I don’t feel old today. My age changes and has always changed hour by hour. In moments of fatigue I am ten centuries; in



David Price

I write about creativity, loving, language learning and psycho/spirituality. I’m a longtime painter and reader.