Earth Consciousness And Love
‘There is a remarkable discovery that has not yet emerged from our renewed interest in ancient civilization. Yet few remark upon this glaring omission from the relics and records we dig up and discover. I first recognized its absence at a visit to the British Museum, and made a point of going back a few years later for another check. Their Mesopotamian rooms begin at 6500 BC, and as you wander through the exhibits and look at the artifacts and depictions of their culture there are none depicting warriors or warfare, chariots or combat, clubs or swords — for nearly four thousand years. As for kings and rulers, there was a single image thought to be a king because it looks like he’s wearing a crown. And what is this king doing? He is feeding flowers to sheep…’
— Marija Gimbutas
I am not only an entity that does something in the world, but also the Earth’s consciousness individualized. At the same time, Earth’s consciousness is not the obliteration of the full individuality of the I. To serve, to love, does not mean to dissolve into some kind of mystical unity with the Earth; rather we are taken into the mystery of Earth as love. Earth is in the process of individuating itself, over a vast amount of time, through humanity become fully conscious and individualized.
— Robert Sardello, “Love and the World”
“ if you think only of yourself, only your own happiness, the result is actually less happiness. You get more anxiety, more fear.”
— The Dalai Lama
We need a fuller picture of who we are and what our true relationship is to Creation. We have been living with a fractured and reduced idea of ourselves for ages. Our patriarchal system encourages an ego-bound “little self.” In our culture, the little self rules, but what looks like natural law is really cultural conditioning. We’re beginning to realize this way of life is not written in stone, that prior to patriarchy there existed more equitable and natural societies.
Our societies are fear-based. We accept them as if they’re given by God. We imagine our culture is founded on “Natural Law.” Thinking this way has prevented us from questioning or changing it until it crashes and burns, which it is now doing. We now find ourselves in an emergency, in a time of confusion and grief. Wars, pandemics and greed are common as societal collapse looms on the horizon. Indifference and lack of empathy have brought us to this pass and yet we rely on them to save us now.
There is another way if we could see it, if we could imagine it. Being able to imagine outside of our fixed ideas of what kind of beings we are and what our true context is will be required, though. If we’re going to create a better world we’re going to be required to let go of the one we have.
Without a revolution of the heart nothing will change. Our vision has to broaden to include a thriving whole, not just our little sector, not just our little tribe. A human being who can think and feel this way is of a different order. We’re seeing a few prototypes appearing on the scene of this kind of humanity. They have always existed, although they usually come to a bad end if they’re too outspoken.
The technology of modern communication permits transmitting ideas and information more broadly and quickly now. It’s possible to learn and imagine more broadly. Humans are affected and changed by information they couldn’t have learned about in the past. We’re waking up to our real history and our real situation.
The time has come to see ourselves and react intelligently. The clock is ticking.