Cutting Through The Nonsense
I have seen a boy of two years old, who had been kept in London, taken out for the first time to walk in green country. The season was winter, and everything was wet and muddy. To the adult eye there was nothing to cause delight, but in the boy there sprang up a strange ecstasy; he kneeled in the wet ground and put his face in the grass, and gave utterance to half-articulate cries of delight. The joy that he was experiencing was primitive, simple and massive. The organic need that was being satisfied is so profound that those in whom it is starved are seldom completely sane.
Whatever we may wish to think, we are creatures of Earth, our life is part of the life of the Earth; and we draw our nourishment from it just as the plants and animals do.
~ Bertrand Russell
We overlook the greater gifts inherent in our wounds — the strength to overcome them and the lessons that we are meant to receive through them. Wounds are the means through which we enter the hearts of other people. They are meant to teach us to become compassionate and wise.
~ Caroline Myss
It’s always necessary to have some foolishness to build your destiny.
~ Marguerite Yourcenar