Member-only story
Crossing The Divide
The Upper World is the invisible domain of our destiny and spirit — or what psychiatry refers to as the superconscious; a realm that’s greater than the limited ego sense we have in our everyday existence.
When we journey to the Upper World, we enter this collective superconscious with access to our personal destiny, along with the destiny of our family or village or the piece of the earth over which we have stewardship — whether that be a garden, a farm, or a neighborhood in New York City.
All traditional societies refer to the Upper World (as do many religions), and each has its own map to describe the terrain. The Laika believe that after your death you naturally gravitate toward one of the five levels of the Upper World based upon how you’ve lived your life…
Angels, divine helpers, the Ancient Ones, and all varieties of luminous beings populate the upper world. It is the place where you go to retrieve your destiny and find out who you will become, discover your great potentials and undreamt-of possibilities. It is also the place where the spirits of the dead arrive when they complete their journey to the light.
The upper world is calling you to step into your fully realized self. Clear distractions so that you can move into a higher destiny. Do not fall…