Creativity is Dionysian

David Price
3 min readNov 15, 2021
Komori Soseki.. .Song birds on Persimmon bough, 1929

“Let us remember that the “wounded healer” is not any human person, but a personification presenting a kind of consciousness. This kind of consciousness refers to mutilations and afflictions of the body organs that release the sparks of consciousness in these organs, resulting in a ORGAN or BODY-CONSCIOUSNESS.Healing comes then not because one is whole, integrated, and all together, but from a consciousness breaking through dismemberment.”

Puer Papers — James Hillman. Wound Consciousness and Dionysus.


T S Eliot wrote ‘Old men ought to be explorers’…According to the brilliant Spanish philosopher Jose Ortega y Gasset, enquiry is our nearest equivalent to the Greek ‘alethia’, an activity of mind that initiated all western philosophizing: án endeavour…to place us in contact with the naked reality…concealed behind the robes of falsehood’. Falsehood often wears the robes of commonly accepted truths, the common unconsciousness we share with one another. A therapy of ideas would free us from the conventions that keep our minds from committing interesting transgressions’.

James Hillman


King Pentheus wouldn’t honor Dionysus as a god, and the maenads ripped his body apart….we try to keep above the world with our Rationality or Reason or order….



David Price
David Price

Written by David Price

I write about creativity, loving, language learning and psycho/spirituality. I’m a longtime painter and reader.

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