Beauty And The Implicate Order

David Price
3 min readJul 5, 2021
Françoise De Felice

David: In my theory of the implicate order, the whole generates the particulars, rather than saying that the particulars are collected to make the whole…

Bohm: ….Einstein was extremely intuitive, and he used to say that he did not think in words but in images …


Krishnamurti was also not so keen on images… It might look, in some of his writings, as though he advocated giving up the imagination altogether, but there were some things that he said that indicated that he thought there was a place for the creative imagination.

…Einstein was a mystic in his own way, on the cosmic side of things, and he was deeply interested in that. This is another similarity to Krishnamurti, who was also most interested in the cosmic side of things. He thought that the cosmos was intelligent and compassionate, and he believed that it could speak through the individual.

Jane: By ‘cosmos’, he did not mean just the physical world?

David: No, it went much deeper than that.


David: Beauty is a very key part of science, and many scientists and mathematicians have talked about it. One thing about beauty is that it involves coherence.



David Price

I write about creativity, loving, language learning and psycho/spirituality. I’m a longtime painter and reader.