Alive And Talking To Us

David Price
4 min readOct 22, 2022
Gustav Klimt

…As children, our defenses and distraction techniques saved us, but, as adults, they become a self-fulfilling prophecy, concretizing and locking us in…It may have seemed insurmountable back then, but it no longer is. If we can turn around and face them now, if we can resist the tendency to cover them over with layer upon layer of distortion, we can re-claim our trauma and work it through to resolution….Better to turn around and embrace it. Once a monster, now an opportunity for genuine transformation.

— Jeff Brown


“My natural bent certainly does not lead me to suppose that the worst is always inevitable. Yet I am committed to looking reality in the face and speaking about it without pretense… It is because I reject lies and running away that I am accused of pessimism; but this rejection implies hope — the hope that truth may be of use. And this is a more optimistic attitude than the choice of indifference, ignorance or sham.”

— Simone de Beauvoir


On the deepest level, much deeper than atoms or quantums, is “nothing “ NOTHING at all. The crazy thing is that this “nothing “ creates EVERYTHING.

— Hans-Peter Durr


The world is the sound of tree shapes decoded in a bat’s brain. The world is electric



David Price

I write about creativity, loving, language learning and psycho/spirituality. I’m a longtime painter and reader.