A Sense of Belonging

David Price
5 min readOct 4, 2024
- Surma Tribe, Giovanna photography

Children see magic because they look for it.

— Christopher Moore


There was a time when we spoke the same language, knew how to listen to the wind and the rain, were part of the movement of Her seasons. And now we need Her ancient knowing if we are to walk together into this uncertain future, both in sunlight and moonlight, in the world of reason and the world of dreaming. This way of knowing used to be shared around the firelight, told in stories, passed down from generation to generation.

It was all as natural as breathing, not needing to be remembered because never forgotten. How could you forget the wind on your face or the songs of birds? How could you forget the rise and fall of the tide? These were not stories written in books, but lived from morning until dusk, until dreamtime wove another texture into the firelight.

Until we forgot we were always awake to a multidimensional world that carried a deep sense of belonging, a belonging we shared with plants in the garden and the animals in the forest, a time when trees were spirits, not just timber.

— Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee


A rat in a maze is free to go anywhere as long as it stays inside the maze.



David Price
David Price

Written by David Price

I write about creativity, loving, language learning and psycho/spirituality. I’m a longtime painter and reader.

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